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I put the wrong fuel in my car, what should I Do?

It is all instructions if you put a wrong fuel in your car

In every three and half minutes in the UK, one driver accidentally puts diesel in a petrol car and similarly petrol in the diesel vehicles and in some cases these conditions lead to some serious issues e.g. damaging your fuel delivery system but in rare cases, it can lead to engine failure as well.

Here is what you should do as an emergency action if you accidentally put the wrong fuel in your vehicle. It is clear that putting the wrong fuel in your vehicle will definitely lead to paying costly bills because it is a costly mistake and every year 150 thousand motorists in the UK made this mistake.

It doesn’t make any difference whether you put diesel in petrol or you pour petrol in the diesel car, both are equally dangerous. As a first quick action, you must not start your engine at any cost.

One of the most asked question in the forums, I’ve put diesel in my petrol car, what should I do now?

It is one of the most common mistake drivers repeat and it is because the petrol nozzles have the same size as of the diesel nozzles. These nozzles can easily fit in the fuel tank neck. This is one of the most serious issues.

What if I put petrol in a diesel car?

If you have accidentally put petrol in diesel car, it is recommended try not to start your engine. If the engine would start, it will allow the polluted fuel mixture to circulate into the system and will wreak the havoc on all system.

The petrol fuel will work as a solvent and damage the entire fuel injection system within minutes if left unattended. The only solution is to drain out your fuel tank and add the new fuel.

However, if you have started your engine and your engine automatically stopped due to wrong fuel then it can be costly repairs. They can involve a total replacement of the fuel system and fuel pump, diesel injectors and filters.

What if I put Diesel in petrol, what should I do?

It is not a most common issue but some enthusiast drivers make this mistake as well. It is not common because diesel nozzles won’t fit into the petrol tanks.

However, even if you somehow added diesel in the petrol engine, exercise the same technique and do not start your engine. Diesel is dense and heavy than petrol so, it would contaminate all fuel injection system.

Repairs may include a flush up of all system, clean the carburetor, and then start the engine. Effects of Petrol in Diesel car is different from diesel in petrol vehicle.

What would it cost me to repair the wrong fuel?

This will be depending on the type of the car and the size of the engine, whether you have started your engine or not. The repair process always starts by draining the fuel tank to a completely empty and then washing out the fuel system to completely clean out the contaminated fuel.

According to the AA, the cost of calling out their wrong fuel services will cost the drivers from £200, only if you haven’t started your engine but if you have started your engine, the cost can be up to £5000.

On the other hand, if you opt for GMM1 fuel assist services then you in both cases, the prices are almost half while the equipment and technicians are highly qualified.

You may be able to claim back the cost of the repairing through your insurance policy, an accidental clause can cover you.

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